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To run ENB Series, you need a graphic card that supports Shader Model 3.0 (or above). In general, these may fit:
nVidia: GeForce 7xxx, 8xxx, 9xxx, GTX series.
ATi: HD1900-5970.
However, ENB Series may not work on all of these cards, because of some hardware limitations, reduced versions etc. The requirements to videomemory size are very high, mainly depends from screen resolution. Operative memory and processor play an insignificant role, though all should be balanced.

Performance tips
After the game starts, the mod is disabled by default. You can activate it by pressing shift+f12 (by default).

Default configuration of ENB may not fit to somebody. It's made to just to work well. The true beauty of this modification you will get when you made a truly nice config. You can edit the look of ENB by changing enbseries.ini.

 Keep in mind, that the values in parameters generally may be higher than these shown in parenthesis, however, higher numbers are useless actually.

How to make a good preset
 Here's a complete explanation of enbseries.ini


EnableProxyLibrary=(false/true) when activated, ENB loads a third party library with path to it written in parameter ProxyLibrary. This allows to solve problem with multiple d3d9.dll files that can't be used at once without special loaders.

InitProxyFunctions=(false/true) connect to functions of 3rd party library. When you want to load another .dll file, put this parameter to true.

ProxyLibrary=(file name) name of the third party library you want to load. Remember to change the name of the .dll from d3d9.dll (ENB uses it) to for example d_d3d9.dll.

AdditionalConfigFile=enbseries2.ini if file exist, all parameters from it will be used instead of default enbseries.ini file. Very useful for sharing parameters between users without loss of own configuration.

UseEffect=(false/true)this parameter allows to turn ENB when the game starts, so it's no need to press key combination to turn it on.

CyclicConfigReading=(false/true) this parameter activates/deactivates cycling reading of enbseries.ini file, it's very useful, when we work on the preset. ENBSeries reads the file in every 5 seconds.

ForceNVidiaCardi>=(false/true) it forces tu use Nvidia card to see it in game. When this parameter is active, the game (and ENBSeries) thinks, that your graphic card is from Nvidia. This helps to elliminate some bugs, especially among ATi cards useres.

ForceNVidiaCapsi>=(false/true) every graphic card has its own hardware capabilities, many games adopt their data to these informations (shaders f.e), so after activating this parameter ENB forces on the game, that the videocard is a Nvidia Dx10 compatible.

ForceDisplaySize=(false/true) force to use user defined display size. WARNING! Choosing a value unsupported by display may destroy it!

ForceAntialiasing=(false/true) force to enable antialiasing. This parameter is very useful in GTA4, because game doesn't support antialiasing at all.Unfortunately, method used in ENBSeries is very complicated and may reduce performance a lot.

ForceDisplayRefreshRate=(false/true) force to use user defined refresh rate. WARNING! Be very careful with enabling of this parameter, if your monitor (any other display device) do not support custom refresh rate it may be corrupted and even your videocard too (but the drivers may not allow invalid values). This parameter very useful for Windows XP, because by default it use 60 Hz for full screen 3d applications, for comfortable play it's too low, especially on CRT monitors, eyes get tired fast.

ForceAnisotropicFiltering=(false/true) force to use anisotropic filtering for most game textures. If geometry in the game at far distance looks blurred, activate it.

MaxAnisotropy=(1..16) maximal level of anisotropy filtering, greater values makes more sharp textures at low angles. In most cases this value set to 16, 8, 4, 2, because difference between them non linear. Value 16 may produce too sharp textures if they have any kind of thin lines, try 8 then.

AntialiasingQuality=(-1..2) quality of antialiasing. -1 is maximum quality, 2 is minimum. I don't recommend to use quality -1 and 0, if you don't ahve a high-end videocard, this effect is very demanding. In most cases quality 2 will be enough.

AntialiasingUpScale=(0.25..1.0) scaling of antialiasing. Smaller values is better performance, but screen is more blurred.

DisplayRefreshRateHz=(60..240) custom monitor reflresh rate. WARNING! Incorrect use of this parameter may corrupt your display (or what you are using) and even videocard! By default Windows XP use 60 Hz, if your display device support greater value for resolution you play, try to set that refresh rate to this parameter.

DisplayWidth=() width of the sceen in pixels. Parameter is active only when ForceDisplaySize parameter is active.

DisplayHeight=() height of the sceen in pixels. Parameter is active only when ForceDisplaySize parameter is active.

ReflectionsForceHighPrecision=(false/true) when active, reflections on vehicles are computed with more precision than in standard game. This allows to reduce the amount of artifacts, for example oblong lines on vehicles.

ReflectionsExtremePrecision=(false/true) after activating this parameter, reflections on vehicles are computed with even more precision, but only when ReflectionsForceHighPrecision is active.

EnableBloom=(false/true) enables bloom effect, simulating illumination of some objects. It works very fast on modern hardware, but wrong setting or bad drivers will result in overbrighting or some other artifacts.

EnableAmbientOcclusion=(false/true) enables screen space ambient occlusions (ssao) and screen space indirect lighting (ssil), this makes shadows and lighting between nearest objects. This effect uses by few modern games, mostly on next-gen game consoles, so it's very slow. Performance directly depends from display resolution, number of pixels drawed on screen.

EnableSkyLighting=(false/true) enables lighting coming from the sky. It's very useful effect, allows to improve the quality of lighting and shading in game, so the game looks much more natural. This effects decreases performance, but not much.



UseOriginalPostProcessing=(false/true) if enabled, original game post processing is activated, not modified by ENBSeries. If you don't like the atmosphere created by ENB, you can activate this parameter.


List of the key numbers can be found in key_codes.txt in the archive. They are in hex format, to convert to decimal use any hex calculator or even Windows calculator.

KeyUseEffect=(1..255) decimal key number for activation/deactivation of modification, by default F12.

KeyCombination=(1..255) decimal number of additional key for combining this key with others, by default SHIFT.

KeyScreenshot=(1..255) decimal key number for capturing screenshots, by default PRINTSCREEN. Images stored in the same folder where ENBSeries. Files have BMP format, 32 bit with alpha channel.

KeyAmbientOcclusion=(1..255) decimal key number for ssao activation/deactivation, by default F10.

ReflectionAmount=(0..10) amount of relflections on blood surface.

SpecularPower=(0..10) specular power, the light coming from the sun.

LeavesReflectionAmount=(0..10) amount of reflections on tree's leaves.

LeavesSpecularPower=(0..10) power of specular lighting on leaves, coming from the sky.

LeavesAmbientAmount=(0..10) amount of lighting coming from ambient, which will appear on leaves.

LeavesColorMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of the colors of leaves, higher values make that leaves are more coloured.

LeavesColorPow=(0..10) power of the colors on leaves. Higher values make that leaves have deeper colors. Value 0 makes completely white leaves.

Values below are only for version 0082:
LeavesColorFilterR=(0..10) color filter for leaves - red. Higher value makes leaves more red. Default value is 1 - then leaves have their original color.

LeavesColorFilterG=(0..10) color filter for leaves - green. Higher value makes leaves more green. Default value is 1 - then leaves have their original color.

LeavesColorFilterB=(0..10) color filter for leaves - blue. Higher value makes leaves more blue. Default value is 1 - then leaves have their original color.

WindowLightIntensity=(0..10 intensity of lights on the buildings.


Every [LIGHT] section is in line with different light types.
[LIGHT1] - for lights of sirens and some internal lights;
[LIGHT2] - for lights of street lamps;
[LIGHT3] - for car's front lights;
[LIGHT4] - for car's rear lights;
[LIGHT5], [LIGHT6] - for various lights inside the buildings, and also for some of outdoor lighs.
In [LIGHT2] section in version 0082 thre are new velues for color correction - Colorcorrection R, G and B. They work in the same way as in leaves color correction.
LightIntensity=(0..10) general intensity of the light coming from its source.

LightAOAmount=(0..10) amount of ambient occlusions made from emmiting this light, visible in the range of this light.

LightILAmount=(0..10) amount of indirect lighting made from emmiting this light, visible in the range of this light.

EdgeLighteningAmount=(0..10) amount of lightening the edges. This effect can make edges of convex polygons brighter to achieve more volumetric look of objects.

ColorPow=(0..10) power of color of this light. Higher values make more colorful, but darker light.

LightCurve=(0..10) Curve of the light; if the value is bigger, then the light has more contrast, so area close to this light is brigher, but far from it is more dark. When the value is small, then light on almost whole area has steadly the same power.

EmissiveMuliplier=(0..10) emission multiplier of the light.

LightIntensity=(0..10) intensity of the light coming from car's lights.

UseExternalTexture=(false/true) if active, ENB loads addidtional, user defined texture for using light sprites (enbspritelight.png, enbspritelight.bmp, enbspriteray.png, enbspriteray.bmp).

Intensity=(0..10) intensity of the sprites coming from lamps.

IntensityInReflection=(0..10) intensity of the sprites coming from lamps on cars and buildings reflections.

UseRays=(false/true) this parameter turn rays coming from light sources on and off.

RaysNumber=(0..10) number of rays coming from light sources.

RaysIntensity=(0..10) intensity of the rays.

RaysRateOfChange=(0..100) rate of change of rays. Higher values make that the rays behave more like in lens of camera; it seems like they're rotating.

RaysLength=(0..10) lenght of the rays. It's not worth to set too high values, because rays may mist the screen too much.

ReflectionAmount=(0..10) amount of reflections on cars windows. Higher values make that the reflection is more bright.

SpecularPower=(0..100) power of specular lighting, coming from the sky. Higher values make, that this light is more concentrated in one point.

SpecularAmount=(0..10) amount of specular lighting.

Value below is only for version 0082:
OpacityMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of windows opacity. Default value is 1, then windows has opacity as defined in vehicle's window texture. The higher the value, then windows are more covered in this texture - they're less transparent.

ReflectionFront=(0..10) amount of reflections on chrome parts of vehicles, when you look at them opposite. This parameter, together with ReflectionSide allow to simulate specific behaviour of light on surfaces (Fresnel equations, Fresnel reflection) - when looking on the surface at high angle, reflection is more visible than when you look at it opposite.

ReflectionSide=(0..10) amount of reflections on chrome parts of vehicles, when you look at them at high angle. This parameter, together with ReflectionFront allow to simulate specific behaviour of light on surfaces (Fresnel equations, Fresnel reflection) - when looking on the surface at high angle, reflection is more visible than when you look at it opposite.

SpecularPower=(0..100) power of specular lighting, coming from the sky. Higher values make, that this light is more concentrated in one point.

SideFade=(0..10) this parameter sets how fast will the passage from ReflectionFront to Reflection Side appear (and vice versa). Smaller values make, that reflection side is visible at lower angle, than with higher values.

MetallicAmount=(0..10) amount of mettalic shine on the surface.

ReflectionFront=(0..10) amount of reflections on wheels of vehicles, when you look at them opposite. This parameter, together with ReflectionSide allow to simulate specific behaviour of light on surfaces (Fresnel equations, Fresnel reflection) - when looking on the surface at high angle, reflection is more visible than when you look at it opposite.

ReflectionSide=(0..10) amount of reflections on wheels of vehicles, when you look at them at high angle. This parameter, together with ReflectionFront allow to simulate specific behaviour of light on surfaces (Fresnel equations, Fresnel reflection) - when looking on the surface at high angle, reflection is more visible than when you look at it opposite.

SpecularPower=(0..100) power of specular lighting, coming from the sky. Higher values make, that this light is more concentrated in one point.

SideFade=(0..10) this parameter sets how fast will the passage from ReflectionFront to Reflection Side appear (and vice versa). Smaller values make, that reflection side is visible at lower angle, than with higher values.

MetallicAmount=(0..10) amount of mettalic shine on the surface.


Every [REFLECTION] section is in line with different models of vehicles. I won't write here, which vehicle is relative to relevant [REFLECTION]. However, [REFLECTION1] is for vehicles with metallic paint, like Banshee, or Cavalcade (only i this reflection MetallicAmount is available), [REFLECTION2] is for taxis and police cars and [REFLECTION3] is for many older cars.
ReflectionFront=(0..10) amount of reflections on vehicles, when you look at them opposite. This parameter, together with ReflectionSide allow to simulate specific behaviour of light on surfaces (Fresnel equations, Fresnel reflection) - when looking on the surface at high angle, reflection is more visible than when you look at it opposite.

ReflectionSide=(0..10) amount of reflections on vehicles, when you look at them at high angle. This parameter, together with ReflectionFront allow to simulate specific behaviour of light on surfaces (Fresnel equations, Fresnel reflection) - when looking on the surface at high angle, reflection is more visible than when you look at it opposite.

SpecularPower=(0..10) power of specular lighting, coming from the sky. Higher values make, that this light is more concentrated in one point.

SideFade=(0..10) this parameter sets how fast will the passage from ReflectionFront to Reflection Side appear (and vice versa). Smaller values make, that reflection side is visible at lower angle, than with higher values.

MetallicAmount=(0..10) amount of mettalic shine on the surface (ONLY for [REFLECTION1]).

BloomQuality=(0..2) quality of the bloom effect. Value 0 is maximum quality, 2 - minimum. Quality of this effect does not affect speed to much.

BlueShiftAmount=(0..10) amount of bluish color applied to the screen by bloom effect.

Radius1=(0..10) first type of bloom, coming from the inside of bright objects.

Radius2=(0..10) second type of bloom, coming from the outside of bright objects.

Contrast=(0..10) contrast of bloom, higher values make it more intensive.

ApplyAntialiasing=(false/true) if active, antialiasing will be added above ambient occlusions (when active).

SamplingQuality=(-1..2) quality of ambient occlusions, -1 i the best quality, only for high-end videocards; 2 is minimum quality. The higher quality, then the noise produced by ssao and ssil is smaller.

SamplingRange=(0..1) rande of ssao sampling, lower values mean better quality and more detailed objects.

SizeScale=(0..1) size of the texture used for generating ssao and ssil effects, smaller values mean better performance and worse quality.

SourceTexturesScale=(0..1) source of texture for ssao and ssil, action similar to SizeScale; smaller values mean better performance and worse quality.

FilterQuality=(0..2) quality of ssao and ssil filtering. This parameter affects speed a lot, because filtering is demanding for hardware. 0 means the best quality and slowest speed, 2 - the worst quality.

AOAmount=(0..10) amount of ambient occlusions. The higher the value, amount of ssao increases. Don't set this parameter too high, screen may become too dark and some glitches may appear.

ILAmount=(0..10) amount of indirect lighing. The higher the value, amount of ssil increases.

EdgeLighteningAmount=(0..10) edge lightening level by ambient occlusion. SSAO effect can make edges of convex polygons brighter to achieve more volumetric look of objects.

FilterQuality=(0..2) quality of shadows filtering. 0 is the best quality, 2 - the worst. However, filtering may reduce performance a lot, so better to set this parameter to 1 or 2.

These values are only for version 0082:
CharacterShadowMultiplier=(0..10) character shadow multiplier. Default value is 1, higher value makes shadow more dark.

CarShadowMultiplier=(0..10) vehicles shadow multiplier. Default value is 1, higher value makes shadow more dark.

ForceMinMaxValues=(false/true) if active, ENBSeries forces to use minimal and maximal values to brightness adaptation. If you want the screen to be more bright, when you come to dark areas, and make a bit darker, when you're in lightened areas, then turn this parameter on. If you don't want the brightness adaptations, set this parameter to false.

AdaptationTime=(0..5) period of time needed do adapt to new brightness. Don't set too high values, because the adaptation may not be visible at all.

AdaptationMin=(0..2) minimal lighting, to which ENB will adapt brightness. The lower the value, then darker area may be brightened. Don't set this parameter higher than AdaptationMax.

AdaptationMax=(0..2) maximal lighting, to which ENB will adapt brightness. The higher the value, then brighter area may be darkened. Don't set this parameter lower than AdaptationMin.

AdaptationMinMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier for AdaptationMin. The higher the value, then brighter screen may be brightened.

AdaptationMaxMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier for AdaptationMax. The higher the value, then darker screen may be darkened.

DirectLightingIntensity=(0..10) intensity of direct lighting.



NightLightingIntensity=(0..10) intensity of night lighting. Higher values make that environment at night is more bright.

DirectLightingCurve=(0..10) Curve of direct lighting. Higher values make that this lighting is focused more intensive.



ReflectionAmountMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of reflections amount. The higher the value, then all objects are more reflective.

pecularAmountMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of specular lighting, coming from the sun.

SpecularPowerMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of specular power. Higher values make that this light is more concentrated at one point.

ColorPow=(0..5) Power and amount of color applied to all the objects in game. The higher the value, then everything has deeper colors. When the value is 0, then all the objects are white.




AmbientSunMultiplier=(0..5) multiplier of lighting coming from sun. Higher values make, that sunlight is more intensive, and shadowed areas are darker.

AmbientSkyMultiplier=(0..5) multiplier of lighting comin from the sky. Higher values make, that places not reached by sunlight are more lightened with a bit bluish tint.

AmbientSunSaturation=(0..5) color saturation of sun lighting. The higher the value, then objects lit by the sun have more yellowish tint.

AmbientSkySaturation=(0..5) color saturation od sky lighting. The higher the value, then objects lit by sky lighting (generally everything, which is not under some roof) have more bluish tint.

FilterQuality=(0..2) filtering quality of the sky lighting effect, 0 is the best quality, 2 - the worst. This parameter affects performance, but nor too much.

AmbientSunMix=(0..10) density of sun lighting present on the buildings. Higher numbers produce more yellowish tint on the buildings.

AmbientSkyMix=(0..10) density of sky lighting present on the buildings. Higher numbers produce more bluish tint on the buildings.

AmbientContrast=(0..10) contrast of this lighting. The higher the value, then areas far from acces to the sky are darker, and close to the sky are brighter.

AmbientMinLevel=(0..10) minimal brightness of sky lighting. Higher values make, that objects are brighter.

AzimuthHeight=(0..10) height, at which azimut stops. In practice this means, that the smaller the value, then sky will be darker more below. (On the Earth, sky is the brightest on the bottom and darkens when the height raises).



AzimuthMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of azimuth. The higher the value, then upper part of sky is darker.

AzimuthSunAffectPower=(0..10) power of affect of the sun on azimuth. Higher values make, that azimuth is darker.

AzimuthSunAffectAmount=(0..10) amount of sun affecting.

TopColorMultiplier==(0..10) multiplier of the color of upper part of the sky. Higher values make, that this part of the sky is more colorful.

ColorSaturation=(0..10) overall saturation of the sky colors. The higher the value, then the color of sky is more saturated.

ColorPower=(0..10) power of the color on the sky. When value is 0, then sky is white and when this value rises, color of the sky is more intensive and deeper.

SunIntensity=(0..10) intensity of the sun. at higher values sun is brighter, so bigger part of the sky around it is more ablazed with light.

SunMaxBrightness=(0..100) maximum brightness that sun can achieve.

SunColorFilterR=(0..1) color correction for red tint of the sun. The lower the value, then sun has less red color in RGB mix. This parameter, together with G and B allows to correct color of the sky, specially in the time of sunrise and sunset; at noon these parameter don't play significant role. After setting R, G and B on 1, sun has the same color as in timecyc.dat file.

SunColorFilterG=(0..1) color correction for green tint of the sun. The lower the value, then sun has less green color in RGB mix. This parameter, together with R and B allows to correct color of the sky, specially in the time of sunrise and sunset; at noon these parameter don't play significant role. After setting R, G and B on 1, sun has the same color as in timecyc.dat file.

SunColorFilterB=(0..1) color correction for blue tint of the sun. The lower the value, then sun has less blue color in RGB mix. This parameter, together with R and G allows to correct color of the sky, specially in the time of sunrise and sunset; at noon these parameter don't play significant role. After setting R, G and B on 1, sun has the same color as in timecyc.dat file.

SunColorFilterCurve=(0..10) curve of sun color filtering.



SunCoronaCurve=(0..10) curve of the sun corona. Higher values make, that glow around the san is more concentrated.



SunCoronaIntensity=(0..10) intensity of sun corona. The higher the value, then this corona is more visible and bright.

SunDesaturation=(0..10) desaturation of sun's colors.

OverallPower=(0..10) overall power os sun brightness. When values in this parameter rise, sky becomes brigher and brighter, so lighting on the ground too.



OverallIntensity=(0..10) overall intensity of sky brightness. When values in this parameter rise, brightness of the sky increases; but it doesn't affect ground lighting.



BrightnessUpperLimitMultiplier=(0..10) multiplier of sky brightness limit.

CloudsUseCustomTexture=(false/true) when active, ENBSeries will load external texture for clouds and use it to generate clouds instead of default ones. In main game folder picture enbclouds.bmp must exist.

CloudsCurve=(0..10) curve of the clouds. When values are high, the clouds has more contrst, so closer to the sun is more bright, and far to the sun is more dark. If values are lower, then clouds have more plain color.

CloudsIntensity=(0..10) intensity of clouds. The higher the value, then clouds are brighter. If values are very low, then clouds are greyish.

CloudsDesaturation=(0..10) desaturation of clouds. At the edges, clouds get colors from the sun, if value in this parameter will be high, then clouds will be only in grey tones.

CloudsEdgeClamp=(0..10) this parametr specifies amount of sun rays, which can penetrate through the clouds. The higher the value, then clouds let in more rays.

CloudsEdgeIntensity=(0..100) intensity of clouds edges brtightness. When values in this parameter rises, edges of clouds will be brighter, when they get close to the sun.

CloudsEdgeRange=(0..100) this parameter is connected to CloudsEdgeIntensity, but it defines, how far from the sun edges of clouds will be brigtened. The higher the value, then edges farther from the sun will be brightened.

StarsUseCustomTexture=(false/true) if active, ENBSeries will load external texture for stars and use it instead of defauls stars texture in game. In main game foler picture enbstars.bmp must exist.

StarsAmount=(0..10) amount of stars. The higher the value, then there are more stars on the sky.

StarsIntensity=(0..10) intensity of stars. The higher the value, then stars are more visible.

StarsBrightness=(0..100) brighness of stars. The higher the value, then stars are more bright.

MoonIntensity=(0..100) intensity of the moon. The higher the value, then moon is more visible.

MoonGamma=(0..10) gamma of the moon. When values in this parameter rise, the moon has brighter dark areas - brightness of moon's halftones increases.

MoonSize=(0..1) size of the moon. The higher the value, then moon is bigger.

MoonLightingCurve=(0..10) curve of moon's lighting. The higher the value, then moon is more steadily lightened.

NightCloudsEdgeClamp=(0..10) this parametr specifies amount of moon rays, which can penetrate through the clouds. The higher the value, then clouds let in more rays.

NightCloudsEdgeIntensity=(0..100) intensity of clouds edges brtightness. When values in this parameter rises, edges of clouds will be brighter, when they get close to the moon.

NightCloudsEdgeRange=(0..100) this parameter is connected to CloudsEdgeIntensity, but it defines, how far from the moon edges of clouds will be brigtened. The higher the value, then edges farther from the moon will be brightened.

These settings are only for 0082 version:
SoftParticlesEnable=(false/true) this value turns soft particles on and off.

SoftParticlesEdgeRange=(0..10) it defines hiw far from object's edges particle will be blened. Higher value makes particles blended further from object's edge.

DetailMapEnable=(false/true) this value turns detail map on and off. It's an additional texture which covers most textures in the game to make it look more detailed.

UsePaletteTexture=(false/true) use special user defined texture to control color correction. For more detailed description read special section about palettes on ENB Series official page.

Copyright © 2012 - GTA IV Mods e Carros. Layout baseado no GTA TNT.
Design por Marcos Ribeiro // E-mail: marcos.s.ribeiro@outlook.com